Time is money

Did you know it takes...


On average across lenders to pay for a home loan establishment fee.

X hours

Broker effort to refinance

3 hours

For you and your customer to refinance a loan with all the home loan documents you need to fill in.

Features beyond on a rate

Multiple offsets

Your customers can choose between 1 and 10 offset deposit accounts to be linked to any eligible loan account.

Find out more

Line of credit

A home loan which allows you to draw funds as you need them up to an approved credit limit. It is flexible, you only pay interest on the portion of the loan you've used.

Find out more

Fast, hassle-free, approvals

We provide same day approval to eligible borrowers.

Flexible repayment options

Your customers can choose between weekly, fortnightly, or monthly repayments to help manage their cash flow, reduce interest or pay their loan off sooner.

Is your AMP Bank customer rolling off their fixed rate?
Is your AMP Bank customer rolling off their fixed rate in the next 30 days? Don’t forget, we automatically apply great rates starting at 6.19% for Owner Occupied and 6.29% for Investment loans. Applied rates are emailed directly to the customer and are based on loan size and LVR. The lower the loan amount and LVR, the lower the rate. Note: Interest Only roll overs excluded.

Repricing request form

Request repricing reviews for your existing customer’s loan through a simplified online Repricing Request Form so we can provide you with an outcome as quickly as possible. This form is for repricing requests for retention purposes only. All other general enquiries on your customer home loans please contact the AMP Bank Broker line: 1300 300 400.


You are either the managing broker for the account or requesting on behalf of the managing broker.

If you had a previous broker ID related on the customer home loan account (e.g. you have moved to a new aggregator), please ensure you provide your new and old broker ID. 

Submit one request per customer facility

If you have:

Multiple accounts for the same customer if part of the same loan facility - please include in the same request.

Multiple facilities - please submit individual requests for each facility.

Pricing reviews can be requested for a customer home loan account every 4 months.

Note that a pricing review is not a guarantee for a rate movement at any time.

The process

  • Complete the form below with clear and detailed information and we will come back to you via email with an outcome in 2-4 business days.
  • Please do not request updates on submitted requests via this form. These will not be responded to.
  • If the broker ID and account details match, the review result will be emailed to the broker on file.

Your request does not fit the criteria or you would like to discuss further?

We are always happy to support you and your customers. Please contact your BDM or call us on AMP Bank Broker line: 1300 300 400, 9:00am to 6:00pm Mon–Fri (Sydney time).

Broker Repricing Request Form

* Please note, fields marked with asterisks are mandatory.

If you had a previous broker ID related on the customer home loan account (e.g. you have moved to a new aggregator) please ensure you provide your new and old broker ID. For multiple broker IDs, please use a semicolon (;) to separate broker IDs (ABCQMF-H;DEFGHI-K;ABCDEF;K).

Please enter all account numbers to be reviewed. For multiple account numbers, please use a semicolon (;) to separate account numbers (e.g. 01234578;123456789;123456789)

Please enter numeric values only up to 2 decimal points.

Please enter numeric values only.

Please provide your email address in case we need to get in touch with you.


Saving your time to refinance with FASTRefi®

What is FASTRefi®?

A streamlined refinancing solution that's faster and simpler than the traditional process. This process allows a refinance settlement to occur very quickly (usually within days rather than weeks) after loan documents have been signed.

The settlement occurs without the title of the property being transferred from the outgoing lender (which is why a standard refinance settlement takes weeks).

Why FASTRefi®?

  • Your customers can access their new loan sooner.
  • Seamless transition process from one lender to another.
  • No extra cost to customers from a standard refinance.
  • Customers have assurance when their new loans will be activated.
  • Tested and used by both lenders and customers.

Your customers will benefit by:

  • Receiving their new loan and rate within days of returning signed loan documents.
  • Having a greater certainty on agreed settlement dates.
  • Enjoying a more seamless refinancing experience overall.


Important information

All information on this website is subject to change without notice. It's important your customers consider their particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination or Terms and Conditions before deciding what's right for them.

A target market determination for these products is available at distributor.amp.com.au/tmd

This information hasn't taken their circumstances into account. The credit provider and product issuer is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL No 234517, Australian credit licence 234517.