Top forms and flyers

Repricing request form

Request repricing reviews for your existing customer’s loan through a simplified online Repricing Request Form so we can provide you with an outcome as quickly as possible.

Learn more

Supporting documents checklist

This checklist outlines our minimum requirements in support of a home loan application. To be completed by you when submitting a home loan application.

Download the checklist

Security property location guide

Download the Security Property Location Guide to help locate which zone a postcode resides in.

Download the form

Partial discharge/Substitution authority form

Use this form to request partial discharge and substitution of security property/properties held against an existing AMP Bank home loan. All borrowers (and all guarantors) must sign this form.

Download the form

Statutory Declaration - Existing Debt with a Non-Borrowing Related party

This form is required where our applicant has a separate loan with another non-borrowing related party and AMP Bank is being asked to apply 'common debt reducer' principles to apportion the debt and repayment for servicing.

Download the form

AMP Gift Declaration Letter

If an applicant is receiving a gift to complete the purchase of a property, this must be supplied to confirm the arrangements of the gift. This template may be used to confirm a favourable purchase as well.

View form

Repricing request form

Request repricing reviews for your existing customer’s loan through a simplified online Repricing Request Form so we can provide you with an outcome as quickly as possible. This form is for repricing requests for retention purposes only all other general enquiries on your customer home loans please contact the AMP Broker line: 1300 300 400

Loan forms

Home loan forms

This checklist outlines our minimum requirements in support of a home loan application. To be completed by you when submitting a home loan application.

Only use this form when one is not available in ApplyOnline.

This form is required where our applicant has a separate loan with another non-borrowing related party and AMP Bank is being asked to apply 'common debt reducer' principles to apportion the debt and repayment for servicing.

This form nominates one or more persons to access statements online. This means that bank statements will no longer be mailed. To be completed by all account holders.

This form is required where the applicant is a Company or Trustee.

If an applicant is receiving a gift to complete the purchase of a property, this must be supplied to confirm the arrangements of the gift. This template may be used to confirm a favourable purchase as well.

Construction loan forms

This form is required when requesting a change at the end of the Construction Loan period. To be completed by all parties. Further information may be required.

This form is required when a progress payment is requested to be made by us to the builder. To be completed by all parties and submitted together with the builder s invoice attached.

Master limit

This form requests a Master Limit on customer's borrowings. To be completed by all parties and submitted with the Home Loan application.

This form requests various changes to loans held under a Master Limit. To be completed by all parties.

Rate lock

This form is to be used when customers wish to request or pay for a Fixed rate lock when a loan application is submitted.

Refinancing / selling forms

Use this form to request partial discharge and substitution of security property/properties held against an existing AMP Bank home loan. All borrowers (and all guarantors) must sign this form.

Please have your customer call us on 13 30 30 for requests to complete a full discharge of security on their loan

Restructure loan forms

This form requests various changes to existing loans where no Master Limit is in place. To be completed by all parties.

Use this form to request a switch to an existing home loan from Principal and Interest to Interest Only or to request an extension to an existing Interest Only period.

Use this form to request to switch your loan to a fixed interest rate loan or to refix your existing fixed rate loan at the end of the fixed rate period.

Use this form to request partial discharge and substitution of security property/properties held against an existing AMP Bank home loan. All borrowers (and all guarantors) must sign this form.

Deposit forms

AMP Cash Management service forms

Print and complete this form to authorise the individual adviser named in section 4 to transact on your AMP Bank Account(s) using the ACMS. This form can also be used to change an existing Adviser Transaction Authority you have previously provided to an individual financial adviser.

Print and complete this form to provide the identification details of Authorised Financial Advisers and their Nominated Delegates for the purposes of the ACMS.

Print and complete this form to provide the identification details of Authorised Financial Advisers and their Nominated Delegates for the purposes of the ACMS.

Print and complete this form to provide the identification details of Authorised Financial Advisers and their Nominated Delegates for the purposes of the ACMS.

Deposit product forms

Terms and conditions

View the terms and conditions of our range of everyday and savings accounts.

View the account access and operating terms and conditions for our accounts. 

View important information about our Term Deposits.

View the Product Disclosure Statement for AMP Notice Account.

View our Fees and charges guide for everyday and savings accounts, which includes tips on how to minimise them.

Print and complete this form to consent to electronic communications from AMP Bank and to confirm the elctronic address you will use to send us information and electronic communication.

View the terms for deposit applications submitted through SuperIQ Pty Ltd.

Application and product specific forms

Download and complete this smart form to open an everyday account or savings account.

Download and complete this smart form to open a Term Deposit.

View the definitions of companies and trusts used in our application forms.

Print and complete this form to open a personal or sole trader offset deposit account in your client's individual or joint names. This account requires an eligible loan account to be linked to.

Application forms for existing customers

Print and complete this form when requesting to switch from one eligible deposit product to another eligible deposit product.

Print and complete this form when requesting to switch from one eligible deposit product to an eligible AMP SuperEdge deposit product.


Lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) rebate eligibility criteria

This rebate is now closed and is available for applications made between 19 June 2024 and 31 August 2024 (inclusive) which settle on or before 30 November 2024.

Print and complete this form to confirm:

  • an entitity's Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status
  • an entitiy's Common Reporting Standard (CRS) status
  • whether the entity or any of its controlling persons are fortign tax residents

Print and complete this form to certify whether you are or are not a foreign tax resident (other than a United States citizen or resident) for tax purposes.

Identification of all customers is required for all new customers to the Bank.

To be certified by a person listed on the form for all new customers seeking an account with us.

Print and complete this form to set up, alter or cancel an automatic interest transfer from your AMP Bank account.

Print and complete this form to request additional access methods to your AMP Bank Deposit account - SuperIQ Pty Ltd.

This form nominates one or more persons to access statements online. This means that bank statements will no longer be mailed.
To be completed by all account holders.

General forms

Account management

This form requests access for personal third parties to a customer's personal account(s), and allows for adding, removing, or changing third party access.
To be completed by all account holders and the third party.

This form requests access for a company third party to a customer's personal or company account(s).
To be completed by all account holders and the third party.

This form nominates one or more persons to access statements online. This means that bank statements will no longer be mailed.
To be completed by all account holders.

This form allows customers to consent to electronic communication.
To be completed by all account holders.

This form requests a change to the manner in which an account can be operated (eg any to sign to all to sign).
To be completed by all parties/authorised signatories.

This form requests a change to contact details on AMP Bank accounts in personal names only, with up to two account holders.

This form is used to add or remove the authorised signatories to an account.

This form is used to provide details of the external bank account from which automatic home loan repayments are to be made, and to authorise the payments to be made.
To be completed by all parties and/or signatories of the account being debited.

This form is used to provide details of the bank account from which automatic repayments are to be made, and to authorise the payments to be made.
To be completed by all parties and/or signatories.

This form is used to provide details of the AMP Bank bank account from which a periodical payment to an internal or external bank account, or to an AMP loan.
To be completed by all parties and/or signatories.

This form is used to register or cancel an external account for the purpose of transferring money to another financial institution.
To be completed by all parties and/or signatories.

This form is used to register or cancel an external account for the purpose of transferring money to another financial institution.
To be completed by all parties and/or signatories.

Existing customers who hold an AMP Access Card can print and complete this form to apply for an AMP Visa Debit Card.

Existing customers who hold an AMP Visa Debit Card and wish to dispute a Visa Debit transaction processed through ATM, eftpos and online. Chargeback rights do not apply to transactions using the Visa Debit Card at eftpos terminals when you nominate to use the 'SAV' or 'CHQ' option.

This form is used to instruct a customer's employer to make salary payments direct to an AMP Bank account.
To be completed by the employee and provided to their payroll officer.

This form is used by our customer to request hardship assistance if they have a loan with AMP Bank. If there are more than two applicants, please complete an additional form as needed.
To be completed by all parties to the loan.

This form is used by our customer to request hardship assistance if they have a Term Deposit or AMP Notice Account with AMP Bank. To be completed and signed in accordance with the current Account Signing Authority.

Authority to disclose information forms

Customers use the forms below to authorise AMP Bank to disclose customer information (which may include personal information) and account information (including account balance, current and historical account, and transactional information) to selected third parties for the purpose of those third parties providing the information to the customer's advisers, administrators and accountants.

This form should be used by AMP Bank customers who are also customers of SuperConcepts Software Services Pty Ltd.

Print and complete this form if you wish to authorise the disclosure of your information to SuperConcepts Software Services Pty Ltd, and also to the financial planner, broker or originator named in the original application.

The completed form should be returned to;
AMP Bank Limited
Reply Paid 79702

This form should be used by AMP Bank customers who are also customers of Class Super Pty Ltd.

Print and complete this form if you wish to authorise the disclosure of your information to Class Super Pty Ltd, the financial planner, broker or originator named in the original application for the account(s) or an accountant and/or administrator nominated by the customer.

The completed form should be returned to;
AMP Bank Limited
Reply Paid 79702

This form should be used by AMP Bank customers whose advisers use the IRESS Wealth Management Pty Ltd software, XPLAN.

Print and complete this form if you wish to authorise the disclosure of your information to IRESS Market Technology Limited for the purpose of IRESS Market Technology Limited providing this information to IRESS Wealth Management Pty Ltd, and to your adviser. Your adviser must be an authorised user of the XPlan system.

The completed form should be returned to;
AMP Bank Limited
Reply Paid 79702

Print and complete this form if you wish to authorise the disclosure of your information to the BankLink service. Your adviser or accountant must be an authorised user of the BankLink service.

The completed form should be returned to; 
GPO Box 4608
Sydney NSW 2001

Print and complete this form if you wish to remove an authority you have provided to AMP Bank to disclose your information.

The completed form should be returned to;
AMP Bank Limited
Reply Paid 79702

Customer identification

Print this form and take it to an Australia Post outlet for completion when you are required to provide identification verification to support your loan application and your security property is in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria or Western Australia.

Identification is required for all new customers to the Bank. Identification documents are to be certified by a person listed on this form.

Complete this form for customers who have not been identified within an application.

Note: If your customer is required to provide identification verification to support their loan application and their security property is in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria or Western Australia please use the Australia Post Land Title Identity Verification Form (VOI) which can be found above.


Loan flyers

Desposit flyer

Contact your Business Development Manager

For any questions you have on AMP’s products and policies, the BDM assigned to your company is keen to take your call. If you’re unsure who your BDM is, head to our Contact us page.

Important information

All information on this website is subject to change without notice. It's important your customers consider their particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination or Terms and Conditions before deciding what's right for them.

A target market determination for these products is available at

This information hasn't taken their circumstances into account. The credit provider and product issuer is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL No 234517, Australian credit licence 234517.